Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Nature Of The Blog

OMG! Did you see that! That blog ate the other blog on The Algorithm Kingdom! And now Safari Surfing is getting thousands of hits from around the world! Oh, dude this is SCARY AWESOME!
Daily News Operator: Yes?

Danny: I have a human-interest story. It’s about an art award your newspaper gave me in the sixth grade. And a wish made in English class to live life like a Great American Novel, one that reads like a comic book. The story leads to a homework assignment to draw tourists to my hometown. To that end, I’m working on capturing the spirit of a people at my old childhood Fortress of Solitude, the NYPL. Can you send a reporter? Daily News Operator: I can’t guarantee it. Danny: I’ll take that as a no. Thank you for your time. How To Put American On Police Line Ups Without Becoming Public Enemy Number One by Danny Aponte. I threw imaginary head shots on my drawing table until they began to develop into the faces of Al Pacino, Bobby Bonilla, Colin Powell, and so many more like Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor that went on to enhance the country if not the world. Among many ideas like bombing The South Bronx with stars stenciled on streets, I wanted to use the rotunda at the Bronx County Courthouse for an exhibit of celebrities on line-ups. This is the case of art is the lie that tells the truth. I was connecting the dots in this coloring book called America by bringing down to Earth a version of The Unification Field Theory of The Universe. Awwww, you know what? Forget it! I quit! I’ll will destroy the world on May 31, 2011!!!Who's Your Daddy NOW!?!No, wait. I have to do laundry on that day. It’s always something holding up... The End.

Friday, April 8, 2011

To Sleep Perchance To Dream

White House press conference somewhere in the near future on the...Major Domo: Let’s make this quick. Yes, you.
Journalist: Why does POTUS continue to deny the existence of Eclectic and super humans in the face of the evidence revealed by hundreds of websites worldwide?

Major Domo: Who are you?

Journalist: Lumina Lane Star Reporter of The Daily Galaxy.

Major Domo: Well, Ms Star Reporter, we’re still analyzing the data coming in.Lumina: What about the allegation that you have the body of Doctor Daniel Angel Aponte in cold storage in a top-secret facility for extraterrestrials?

Major Domo: I’ll answer truthfully…

Lumina: Of course you will.

Major Domo: He was human like you and me. He died in 1993 in a laboratory explosion that we believed was set by terrorists hell-bent on setting back progress in America. He’s with his daughter now. Let the good doctor rest in peace. Lets move on to the future. (Cell phone rings) Excuse me. POTUS is paging me. Yes sir. I understand. I’m on my way. (Major Domo’s face darkens) This press conference is over…

Lumina: But to be continued…This story is like a star that went supernova eons ago. You're just beginning to see light travel to your future....Daniel Angel Aponte arrived in the creation of NASA and departed into cyberspace standing on the shoulders of giants. He had a dream for the city that never sleeps and beyond..........Can you say sequel, boys and girls? I knew you could.