Years later, all on my own, I was the first in line at the original Museum Of Broadcasting on 51 and Lexington for its grand opening to the public. At this unique library, I sat in a commanding chair to see the first thing I ordered: Where No Man Has Ever Gone Before.
It was the first episode of a social engineering series called Star Trek.

Television was my first drug of choice in the South Bronx of America. It was legal LSD. It was and still is an electronic mutagen on the developing mindscapes of gifted children.
“Imagination is more important than knowledge,” said Albert Einstein who wondered what he would see if he were a beam of light. The better angel of my nature smiled at Earth from the surface of the moon until it was closing time at The New York Planetarium. The quest for higher education went beyond taking space in school.
Who’s The Doctor now?
Ode To Joy on http://southbronxtourdeforce.blogspot.com

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