Friday, September 27, 2013

The title of my school art project is How I Drew Tourists To The South Bronx By Putting Americans On Police Line-Ups And Hopefully Get A Passing Grade Without Becoming Public Enemy Number One.


It’s a little long winded, but there it is.


Jailhouse Rock sung by Elvis



Winners take all.


It’s a full house at the Public Library. Read them and wonder.


Friday, September 20, 2013

Don’t ask me what it is/I don’t know the answer to that question/

If I knew I would tell you/For your information/One thing holds true/

You missing out on something/That something depends on you


Look of Love sung by ABC



Monday, September 16, 2013

Once upon a millennium, the boy I was carried Ann Frank in his arms as shadows of burnt out buildings and bullies fell over us in The South Bronx of America.  I had dreams for the city that never sleeps and The Public Library, my childhood fortress of solitude.


The boy I was reported for duty as science officer of The USS Escapism


In 2013, in the inner reaches of cyberspace, let’s see what’s out there


Let’s make First Contact with intelligent life.


It should be fun.


Orinoco Flow sung by Celtic Woman

Danny Aponte Advancing Dreamers

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Life After Media


I’ve never been religious but always scientifically minded on the problem of people making a myth out of things. I feel for you so allow me to offer another view on the better angels of human nature. See vision of the best of the best sail to the stars.


“…And a child shall lead them”


The little boy in the picture is named David or Beloved of God.


How poetic an odyssey on higher education this is. No more Waiting For Super Man.


Farewell until we meet in future dreams come true.


It’s been real, Earthlings. LOL


I Got You (Under My Skin) sung by Frank Sinatra


Orinoco Flow sung by Celtic Woman


And the credits keep rolling…



Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Old Navy makes prison jumpsuits?  God bless America The Beautiful!
A country that longs to steal our hearts moves us.
We’re sorry we like playing hard to get.
Police And Thieves sung by The Clash
Graffito Fellas Production
The Sophomoric South Bronx