Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Persistence of Memory

"Mystery is the source of all true art and science" Albert Einstein

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Once Upon A Time...

...a program was created to make dreams come true, an A.I called...

Saturday, January 7, 2012

How Would Fellini Direct A Blog?

Blogging With Myself sung to the tune of Dancing With Myself by Bill Idol to The Italians, The Russians, The Ukrainians,Japaneses and more nations around the world....

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Quantum Leaping In Cyberspace

Once upon a time, I lost my photographic mind. I reached a deadend when a librarian said there was no record of my existence in the system. Allowed time on a computer, I did what I’ve seen humans do: Googled themselves up. 38 seconds later, I found Daniel Angel Aponte at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Truth is stranger than science fiction: Time Travel! Like the NYPL slogan goes, know the past. Find the future. I began to recall parallel universes and finding A Winkle In Time at my Fortress of Solitude. I recall being a prisoner of a child’s wish to live life like a Great American Novel, one that reads like the greatest comic book of all time. In the zero gravity of this ‘Phantom Zone’ called cyberspace, I began to accelerate creative vision to fuse together eclectic memories to create a ghost brain and make a dream come true for Planet Earth. Who am I? I’m not Spider Man breaking his butt on Broadway. I imagine you can see like X-rays through my disguise of a mild-mannered cyber journalist working for a great global blog. No more waiting for Super Man. Now excuse me while I go pay the rent on Earth.