Thursday, February 23, 2012

Letters To The Editor

Face Book Friend Phyllis writes: Oh, come on, Danny! Do you really look like that!?! O.K, Phyllis! Happy now! This is what they brainwashed me into believing! But with the return of my memories and cyber powers guess what.... In the Pilot Season of Garbagelogy, a mysterious stranger without identity papers finds work at a garbage carting company in The South Bronx. The stranger exhibits super abilities like glowing eyes in the night. Cool. What else ? Oh yeah! The stranger draws a complex equation on a wall of an abandoned factory building. In simple terms, the alien equation translates as: out of zero 1 for the 99. That includes ex-convicts, the garbage truck drivers and the boss always pitching ideas for The City of Angels. Welcome to the $weet $mell of $uccess. Welcome to Ad About You! Copyrighted 2012 By Eclectic Ad Company & Daniel Angel Aponte

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