Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Second Acts In American Lives

A long time ago, in a borough not so far, far away, I made a wish at P.S 161 to live life like a great American novel, one illustrated with comic book pictures…
This journal by a mild-mannered graphic reporter was published at the end by social media, impossible science fiction now science fact in the New Millennium. Finally, some attention!
I was given homework to create a tour book for my hometown. I decided to put Americans on police line-ups to capture the spirit of a people. I discovered The Bronx is the only borough connected to the US mainland. That means I can put the president and members of Congress on line-ups! It’s like an upgrade of Hands Across America, the tough love edition. I can line-up everyone thanks to millions of mug shots on Face Book! The computer lab at school made The Big Idea form like The Big Bang when, all of a sudden, I suffered head injuries in an attack. My consciousness drifted inside an ancient Win95 computer (way, way before the sequel to Tron, which, by the way, is a great movie!) ‘Loser’ and a ‘heap of junk’ were fused together by creative ‘heat’ vision to create a super computer capable of making dreams come true, an A.I called…

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